We have two of our own brands, the Mooigezicht Brand and the Mooi Brand.
The original Mooigezicht brand was established in 1968 when the table grape industry was young and in a growth phase. The word Mooigezicht means beautiful vision and the brand was created to represent and distinguish the premium brand of grapes produced by the growing Mooigezicht Estates. We continue to use this original brand, both for selected packaging branding as well as for the company logo.

The Mooi Brand was established in 2009 as our exclusive Far East brand. We received some suggestions about on the design of the brand from our customers on the Guangzhou fresh produce market and it was developed further from there. The name Mooigezicht was too long and difficult for receivers in the East to pronounce so we shortened this to Mooi, which means beautiful. The colours and visual elements that we chose represent the scales of the dragon. When this logo was launched on our Far East carton, printing both Mandarin and Arabic on our cartons marked a South African Industry first.
Since its launch our Mooi brand has grown from strength to strength and there is a very good demand for our Mooi branded fruit on markets throughout China and the Far East.
The MOOI brand is regarded as the top South African table grape brand in the Chinese market. Feedback from the market about the reasons for this success besides the appeal of the carton to the Chinese customers was excellent quality fruit and consistency of supply throughout the marketing season.