Adding value through our new varieties
Like any other product, our consumers are constantly looking for something new and fresh to enjoy in their fruit basket. These dynamic trends of changing consumer preferences as well as the continuous breeding of new, improved table grape varieties motivate us to continue searching for successful new table grape varieties. The varieties included in our offering include varieties from top international grape breeders such as International Fruit Genetics, SunWorld, Grapa, USDA and the Volcani Institute.
In addition, we continuously work at new ways to expand the availability of our product basket so that our great-tasting, fresh and convenient products can be enjoyed for as long as possible throughout the season.
An important part of our business strategy is to remain on the forefront of knowledge about new varieties that are in demand within the marketplace, as well as spotting potential future winners in this field. We therefore proactively investigate and evaluate promising new varieties from the top international table grape breeders.